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This is why you are always waking up tired

This is why you are always waking up tired

We all wake up feeling a bit groggy sometimes, but waking up tired every morning is something you should be worried about. According to research conducted by YouGov, almost 40% of Americans wake up poorly rested at least once a week. Why is that so? Do you think caffeine is to blame for everything? Check our list!

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

You are going to bed late

One of the most common reasons why we wake up groggy and tired in the morning is because we are going to bed late. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the right time to fall asleep is somewhere between 8.p.m. and midnight. While sleeping habits vary from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

Of course, kids and teens need more. If you have to work at a time when you should be sleeping, in the short run you will feel nothing but fatigue in the morning. But if you sleep 5 hours or less in the long run, you may suffer health issues.

Noisy environment

If it’s noisy in our environment, it will be much harder for us to fall asleep. Music or noise coming from outside is something we cannot stop easily, but sleeping with earplugs can help us sleep better. Even if you like to fall asleep with the TV on, quiet sounds can still impact your sleep quality. To fall asleep faster, and have good sleep too, reduce background noise as much as you can. If nothing helps, consider buying a sound machine.

Blue light exposure

When we talk about sleep distractors, devices that emit blue light are number one. First, what is blue light? It’s any artificial lighting that emits blue wavelengths. Electronic devices and energy-efficient products emit this type of light. Our exposure to blue lights has increased when the sun goes down.

Unlike ordinary light, blue light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. In short, exposure to blue light before bed will make you feel sleepless and harder to fall asleep. If you always wake up tired, maybe you’re using your phone right before bed. To avoid being groggy in the morning, avoid screen time for two or three hours before you go to bed.

Wrong eating routine

What do dinner and lunchtime have to do with sleep? Eating at the wrong time can have a bad impact on your sleep. It takes about three hours for your stomach to empty after a meal. If you go to bed right after a meal, your body won’t get a chance to burn off calories, and acid reflux or heartburn will disrupt your sleep.  

Eating or drinking before bed can cause weight gain and frequent trips to the toilet at night. Healthy meals can help you sleep better. Also, if you want to sleep better, cut off the caffeine. Don’t drink coffee after lunch and you won’t wake up tired tomorrow.  

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Bad quality mattress

If you’re always waking up tired but also with aching body parts, your mattress is responsible for that. An old or bad quality mattress can cause serious sleeping troubles. According to a small study by Trusted Source, participants reported better sleep quality and fewer aches and pains in the morning after sleeping on a new mattress.

Also, old mattresses can be home to dust mites which can cause nighttime sneezing and coughing, especially in people with allergies and asthma. If you want to sleep comfortably, experts are recommending a medium-firm type of mattress.

Bedroom’s temperature

The bedroom’s temperature can also be the reason why you are always waking up tired. If it’s too hot or too cold in your room, it can cause restlessness and make it hard for you to fall or stay asleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a cooler room is better when it comes to a comfortable sleep. Keep your bedroom temperature between 60°F and 67°F (15°C and 19°C) if you want to sleep better.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Sleep disorders

Well, if the reasons for your morning grogginess are not listed above, maybe you should see a doctor and check if you have any sleep disorders. Sleep disorders require diagnosis and treatment. One of the most common sleep disorders is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes your breathing to stop periodically while you’re sleeping. Symptoms of sleep apnea include morning headaches, dry mouth, and snoring.


One of the serious reasons for poor sleep when it comes to sleeping together is snoring. If your partner snores sometimes, that’s okay, because nearly everyone snores sometimes. If this happens every night, your partner may have a serious sleep disorder. In that case, he/she should see a doctor. But if you want to try something affordable, easy to use, and effective first, get nasal dilators! Nasal dilators are special devices for people who suffer from nasal congestion and snoring.

There are two types of nasal dilators:

  • External

  • Internal

External nasal dilators are affordable and easy to use. They are applied with adhesive, like a Band-Aid, on the outside of your nose and stretch/open your nasal passages. External nasal dilators are placed on the middle of the nose bridge and nose alar on both sides, the force of rebound lifts both alars resulting in dilating the nasal passage and ventilating it. Although they are often very effective, if you’re using it while your nose is stuffy or running due to cold/allergies, it may not be effective. Also, if you move too much during sleep, the external nasal dilator can unstick easily.

On the other side, internal nasal dilators are inserted inside your nostrils to help keep them open while you sleep. The great thing is that such dilators come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. One medical study found that 73% of snorers said nasal dilators are effective in reducing the intensity of snoring. But since these dilators go inside your nose, you should be extra careful while placing it inside.

If you, or your partner, have a nasal snoring problem, then nasal dilators such as the RhinoMed Mute Nasal Dilator are definitely one of the options to help stop waking up tired! Mute has been clinically proven to help you snore less and increase sleep quality. RhinoMed Mute nasal dilator uses a patented nasal technology that leverages your nasal physiology to optimize breathing.

RhinoMed fits perfectly into your nasal pathway and delivers 25% more air while you sleep. Also, it comes in 3 different sizes so you can pick the right one for your nose. How to use it? First, find the right size that fits your nose. Hold the bridge with loops facing towards your face and slide Mute inward, and you’re ready!

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Insomnia is also one of the reasons for poor sleep and waking up tired, whereas the consequences can be fatal for a person. While short-term insomnia is often caused by stress or some bad experience, insomnia that lasts a month or more, called chronic insomnia, is a serious issue. Chronic insomnia, if left untreated can lead to depression or even suicide.

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